OSA “Let Justice Roll” Orlando Regional Event Report

OSA “Let Justice Roll” Orlando Regional Event Report
October 1 – 4

How wonderful it was to have so many saints pour into Orlando for the “Let justice roll down” regional event; armed with the sword of the spirit, wonderful families and hearts ready to do battle with the enemy which seeks to devour the most vulnerable in our nation, and to lift up high the banner of Jesus in the City Beautiful!

Thursday, October 1

The first rally began with Ante and the Campana girls blessing us with anointed worship which brought us into HIS presence. Ante followed with an incredible teaching on the importance of worshiping God at the abortion centers and other ministry opportunities on the streets and in our own personal lives. It was very powerful and a well needed reminder that the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds.

Pastor Enrique spoke with his son alongside interpreting for him as he spoke about how he doesn’t have a formal education, but that it’s okay because we are to obey God’s calling, and that’s what really matters! He also said most churches do not want him speaking for fear that the topic of abortion will scare people away, but that he keeps him pressing forward for the doors God opens!

Rusty closed the evening with splitting the group of saints into three teams: The Campus Outreach/Truth Tour led by Jason Storms, the Awareness Campaign team led by Frank Campana and Dick Maxwell, and finally the Word in Warfare team led by Rusty himself. Each person was given their assignments and whereabouts for the next day and we closed in prayer, ending an incredible evening!

Friday, October 2

The Campus Outreach/Truth Tour Team:

This Campus Outreach Team started earlier than the other teams meeting up on Thursday afternoon, and heading out to the campus of the University of Central Florida. These OSA warriors led by Jason Storms, armed with signs and tracts, shared the Gospel with students passing by. Jason delivered powerful messages, exposing the sins of the culture and calling the students to repentance.

This same group rose early on Friday to meet the students walking to Jones High School. Planned Parenthood is visible from the school campus. They handed out many tracts containing the Gospel and exposing the murderous agenda of Planned Parenthood.

Later that afternoon, the team headed back to the University campus. They split up and blanketed the campus with hundreds of tracts. These Gospel tracts contain graphic images, displaying the suffering of the aborted babies. Later, they gathered again at the free-speech area, where Jason preached mightily. Several students representing Planned Parenthood arrived to protest and hand out free condoms. This actually worked for God’s glory, as it served to draw many students. For the rest of the afternoon, a crowd of students surrounded Jason as he reasoned with them for the case of Christ. There were numerous other conversations between students and team members, as each shared Jesus with them!

The Awareness Campaign Team:

Starting off bright and early, this team started their day off standing in front of the gated community of abortionist Emil Felski who is one of the main abortionists for the Planned Parenthoods in Central Florida and also commits abortions in his ob/gyn office. He has been killing little baby boys and girls for many, many years. The team alerted the community of this abortionist living in their neighborhood, and to be concerned at having someone so close that kills innocent babies. There were many opportunities to speak with people leaving for work or driving in, with many flyers being handed out.

The next stop was to abortionist Felski’s ob/gyn office in Casselberry where the team lined the streets with graphic signs and alerting drivers that this doctor is an abortionist; the visual was powerful! One awesome opportunity of ministry was when a young man, almost in a comatose/zombie type state stopped to speak with Michele Herzog and Dick Maxwell. They spoke of the gospel with this young man who later confessed that his life revolves around playing video games, particularly Dungeons and Dragons. Frank Campana and Dick Maxwell later prayed over this very lost soul; it was a very powerful moment and we continue to lift this young man up to the Lord.

After an incredible lunch led by the wonderful lunch crew, Rose, Heather & children and Sue, the team headed downtown to the City Hall to alert the city that there are six abortuaries in their midst and encouraged Mayor Buddy Dyer to do the right thing and stand for life, and not for death. He has continued to be a very pro-abortion minded leader in this city. Under his watch thousands of children have been brutally murdered; truly the blood of the innocent cry out in this bloody city.

After the campaign downtown, the team moved over to the neighborhood of abortionist Merri Morris to alert the neighbors that Morris kills innocent babies for a living and to call her to repentance. Her daughter happened to be there, coming out to take pictures of everyone, and later Morris’s husband came home to find everyone there with signs and literature; he was not too happy and as expected, he called the police. There is a very unconstitutional ordinance in the city of Orlando, so six police vehicles came. Thankfully, the team was able to stay for a good amount of time. We got everything recorded that we need to combat this wicked ordinance!

The Word in Warfare Team:

The Word in Warfare Team split up into three groups to cover the three Planned Parenthoods. Ante led the PP Orlando, Sean Brinz led the PP Kissimmee, and David Jordan led the PP eastside. Each team was given certain portions of the daily Bible Reading Schedule and began doing battle through the reading of God’s precious word! They all had a huge task ahead of them to accomplish the complete proclamation of the entire Bible, but each person took this with a commitment and a passion and began in earnest!

Although there were threats of counter protests from a homosexual group, only a few made it to the PP Orlando, and while there, they were able to hear anointed worship through Ante’s sound system which continued to play throughout the day. Many opportunities of ministry occurred there, and at the other two mills.

The evening rally was another special time with the worship team from Victorious Living Fellowship bringing everyone into HIS gates with thanksgiving in our hearts and HIS courts with praise! Jason Storms was our first speaker and his topic on biblical manhood was incredible and so needed in this day and age. Jason had all the men stand up after and he prayed over them; it was a very somber moment with many broken hearts and men wanting to be the men God wants them to be.

Pastor Victor Morgan followed Jason and gave a warning on the state of this nation and the progression of transgression leading us to where we are. His message concluded though, with the opportunities we have as Christians during this time; it was a very passionate and serious talk, one that many of us will remember for a long time to come. It was an extremely powerful evening!

Saturday, October 3,

Word in Warfare:

The Word in Warfare team once again took to their spots at the walls that they were assigned to, and began prophesying the word of God once again. The Lord honored the efforts of the saints and by the end of the day, everyone was where they needed to be to be able to finish up on Sunday reading the book of Revelation in front of the PP on Tampa Avenue. This was a huge feat, but the saints that were on the Word in Warfare team took this seriously and trudged on through, reading and proclaiming the only truth in this sin sick world! Each person that took part shared how God had touched them in a way that was so powerful.

Once again the threats of a counter protest by the homosexual group were given, but only a few showed up again. They were once again given the opportunity to hear the word of God as the saints prayed and worshiped. Many spoke with these lost souls and we pray that the words spoken to them will transform their lives.

One man riding by on his bike fell under conviction as Rusty Thomas was preaching. A lady walked up to the man and asked him if he “knew” Jesus. He stated, “I love Jesus, but do not know him.” She proceeded to share the Gospel as the man surrendered his life to the Lordship of Christ. The angels in heaven rejoice when just one person comes to repentance and the acknowledgement of the truth.

The Awareness Campaign Team

(The Campus Outreach teamed up with the A.C. team on Saturday!)

The A.C. team took to the streets in front of the Florida Hospital in Winter Park due to the fact that abortionist Emil Felski is on staff, and abortionist Morris and Felski have been given hospital/admitting privileges at this so-called Christian hospital. Graphic signs lined the front held by the many saints that came to expose this evil. A lot of flyers and tracts were given out to those driving into the hospital and pedestrians.

For nine months, local leadership had tried to meet with the CEO of the Florida Hospital, concerning abortionists on staff, but to no avail. Well, God parted the Red Sea by having one of the Board of Directors of the hospital just happening to ride by on his bike with his two children following him. He was aghast at the thought of abortionists being tied to the hospital and promised to look into this situation and to do something about it. What a miracle after those long nine months!!!!!

After leaving the hospital, the team went to a very busy intersection a couple blocks away and lined the streets with large graphic signs and several saints passed out flyers and tracts to the cars as they waited for the light to change; it was an incredible time of ministry!

The team then headed to the St. John Park where the great Miss Rose had lunch waiting for them down at the lake, and after eating and taking a nice rest, the team headed up to Ormond Beach to stand in front of abortionist Ralph Bundy’s residence alerting the neighborhood their neighbor has bloodshed on his hands from killing innocent little baby boys and girls. Of course, the majority of neighbors were not happy, but there were some that thanked them for being there!

After that, the team headed to Port Orange to expose to the neighbors that the infamous abortionist, Randall Whitney is their neighbor and who has killed thousands of innocent children. Whitney is now in his 80’s and Frank & Dick preached and plead with Whitney to stop shedding innocent blood, that he is getting older and the seriousness of all this bloodshed. They called him to repentance and to not wait.

It was an incredible time of ministry throughout the whole day for the A.C. team.

Final Evening Rally:

The final evening rally began with Ante and the Campana girls leading worship again. It was followed by incredible testimonies of the day and longtime warrior for life, Pastor Bryon Longworth speaking on Personhood Florida. Counselor/Evangelist John Barros was next. He shared how God is moving miraculously down at the Orlando Women’s Center abortuary.

Rusty spoke after. He called all the young people to the altar. He encouraged them to follow hard after God, and reiterated what Pastor Morgan spoke about the night prior. He then had parents and everyone in the church come forward, lay hands on them and prayed for posterity. This was a very powerful time of impartation to these young people, who had an awesome time as well. Rusty then gave a fiery, and dynamic sermon, that highlighted our theme, “Let Justice Roll.” As always, he encouraged everyone to continue following hard after Jesus till He lead justice to victory.

It was a powerful evening and so fitting for the final rally; the mission for the remaining day was given and off the saints went!

Sunday, October 4

Everyone met at the Planned Parenthood on Tampa Avenue to complete the Word in Warfare mission. The book of Revelation was proclaimed with 22 saints each taking a chapter in a single line. The Holy Spirit was so present while HIS precious word was read, and at that last chapter the power of God was so strong.

The saints then left to head down to the First Congregational Church in Winter Park which promotes homosexuality and abortion. This was an incredible time of preaching the gospel, worshiping on the streets, exposing the evil , ministering, and praying for the lost. There were many conversations with churchgoers and with leadership of the church. The wickedness and deception of this apostate church was so evident. It was very sad to see so many being led astray by false teaching in this “Ichabod” church. This was an extremely powerful morning to lift high the name of Jesus. We pleaded with the people to repent, return to holiness, and obey the one and true living God.

The event ended with those that could meet and have lunch together. It was a sweet time of fellowship after a weekend of battle. Thanks to everyone that came out for this awesome weekend of serving Jesus at the gates of hell. They will not prevail against the church of the living God!

Other Testimonies

Operation Save America was in Orlando this past weekend. And what an exciting weekend it was! These are a few of the missions we accomplished, by the grace of God:

  1. We preached repentance and faith in Christ at the UCF campus 2 afternoons.
  2. We brought awareness of the attack against our children through abortion in various places: in front of City Hall, in several neighborhoods, in front of abortion clinics, on the UCF campus, and at Jones high school.
  3. We tested the constitutionality of a local city ordinance.
  4. We read the entire Bible aloud in front of the Planned Parenthood abortion mills, and pleaded for the babies scheduled to be slaughtered there.
  5. We brought awareness and called on Florida Hospital to break dealings with 2 abortionists who work there (Dr. Emil Felski and Dr. Merri Morris). God allowed us to encounter one of the members on the board of directors who is working on seeing this is accomplished.
  6. We preached repentance and faith in Jesus to the members of an ungodly church which holds to a form of godliness, but denies the power thereof. This church is the First Congregational Church of Winter Park. They condone the slaughter of innocent children through abortion and they bless homosexual marriage, all the while, calling themselves Christian.

My dear OSA friends, thank you for coming from many places to bless Orlando with the preaching of the Gospel. You are living the life and I’m so grateful for you. All glory to God for His goodness and power. Jesus is worthy!

I have to say, Oct. 1-4th, with our OSA ‘Let justice roll ‘ regional event, was so powerful, wonderful, incredible, awesome and such a time to truly lift the name of Jesus high! And. …… ministering and fellowshipping with some of the greatest warriors ever!!!!!!! This was yesterday after an intense and incredible Awareness Campaign……a goodbye lunch! And this wasn’t everybody by the way!!!!!!

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