God granted men and nations two great commandments on which hang all the law and the prophets, which are love of God and love of neighbor. The world system under the sway of Satan has two counterfeit commandments on which hangs all his wicked agenda, do what thou wilt and thou shall not judge me. In light of this truth, I thought it was time to unveil the Beatitudes according to this illegitimate world system that is in rebellion to God’s just and loving rule in the earth.
Blessed are the rich for they fall into temptation and a snare, and into many foolish and hurtful lusts, which drown men in destruction and perdition.
Blessed are those who party and are filled with mirth for they shall not be wise, sober, and prepared for death when it comes.
Blessed are the proud for they shall be filled with self-righteousness that God shall resist and great shall be their fall.
Blessed are those who are full and overindulged for their earthly unbridled passions shall be fed, but their souls shall be made lean.
Blessed are the hard hearted that are void compassion, for they shall not obtain mercy.
Blessed are the immoral in heart, for they shall see the Devil.
Blessed are the war makers for they shall be devoured by the sword.
Blessed are those who are loved by this world for theirs shall be the dominion of darkness.
Blessed are you when people praise and falsely say good things that feed your ego. Rejoice and be glad, because great shall be your reward in hell, for in the same way the world treated the false prophets, infidels, and unbelievers who were before you.
As of this writing, my family and I are reuniting with the family of God in Nashville, TN for OSA’s national event, Foundations of Freedom. It is so good to reunite with the saints here. Our spirits have been renewed and refreshed. The OSA leadership has done a tremendous job preparing the way of the Lord and it is producing good Kingdom fruit. When I stepped down from being national director my last admonishment to OSA leaders, and laborers were, “Further up and further in.” It does my heart good to see this come to pass and as the Apostle John declared, “I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth.” Please continue to pray for OSA as they seek the Lord how to be more effective and have greater impact since the overturning of Roe vs. Wade in each state of the union.
Right after the national event, we will publicly unveil our next major Kingdom project, The Kingdom Leadership Institute online school. This will give folks a chance to look it over and for men to consider the opportunity to become leaders a time like this demands in the church, business, and political realms. There will be a place on the website, where folks can sign up in order to receive pertinent information on the progress of the school. I pray you will check it out and support this great work that will impact the future for our Lord and His Kingdom. Here is the website,
On the way to MS recently to glorify God for mercifully shutting down the infamous Pink House death camp, I received a phone call from our good friends, Bill and Ruth Darr. They called to inform me that the death camp in Tulsa, OK has also gone the way of the Pink House in MS. It has shut down, moved out, and seeking another location to apply its grisly trade.
OSA visited this death camp and ministered there through the years. Our last national event that took place there a couple of years ago recruited several pastors and churches into the fray. Praise God this gate of hell has not prevailed and has become another footstool for our great God and King, Jesus Christ. We are planning on having a wonderful Christ honoring celebration service on Saturday, August 6th, from 9-10:30 am at the defunct death camp. To God be the Glory!
Later in August, our ministry has been invited back to MS to equip the church to completely shut the door to child sacrifice and the shedding of innocent blood by working with state officials to place abortion back in the homicide code and penalizing this crime by law where it always belonged.

In September, two major doors have opened to serve our Lord and advance His Kingdom in America. The first is the Love and Justice event featured above. A couple of years ago, brother Sal Piccolo invited me in to help launch the abolitionist movement in PA. The seed was planted, God watered it, and the increase has come. There is still much work to be done and faithful brothers are coming in to continue the great work of establishing justice for the preborn and calling for the immediate and complete abolition of abortion in the state of PA.
Right after PA, it is off to Ohio to reconnect with our good friend, Pastor Bill Dunfee, and his church. He has put together a conference that will equip the church to fight the battle for the souls of men, the lives of children, and the future of our beleaguered nation. Your love, prayers, and support help make all this possible. Thanks and keep pressing on saints to the high call and prize in Jesus’ name! -Rusty