KLI Course



Identifying, equipping and sending forth the next generation of true, godly, righteous leaders

“O God, thou hast taught me from my youth; and hitherto have I declared thy wondrous works. Now also when I am old and greyheaded, O God, forsake me not; until I shewed thy strength unto this generation, and thy power to everyone that is to come.” (Psalms 71:17-18)

The crisis of our times, is a crisis of leadership, or the lack thereof. Biblically, God judges and restores nations based on the leaders He raises up or removes.  In light of these truths, the demand for godly, righteous leaders is not optional.  The vision of KLI is to identify, equip, and send forth the next generation of leaders.  Leaders who will become the repairers of the breach and the restorers of right paths to dwell in (Isaiah 58:12 & 61:4).  In the time of moral, ethical, and spiritual crises, new leaders will emerge.  The question is, will it be of the ilk we have today that has brought America to this pathetic state or will it be leaders who are marked by courage, vision, and a Biblical worldview to see our nation restored?

We also live in an age that demands answers to perplexing questions that are threatening our children’s lives, their faith, and their very future.  Are we tired of surrendering them to the “Spirit of the Age” on the installment plan?  Are we concerned for this generation that is set adrift with no purpose, vision, or sense of destiny to inspire them to hit the mark for their lives?  Do we yearn for God to replace the apathy, lethargy, and indifference of this generation with courage, vision, and a clarion call to vital service for King Jesus?  Then the Kingdom Leadership Institute is for you!  The “Gentle Revolution” is on.  Will you answer the call?

Calling all young people, who desire to make a difference in your generation, to come to this life changing leadership conference especially designed for you. Elijah Ministries, by God’s grace, will seek to impart the theology, principles, and experience to identify, equip, and send forth, the next generation of true, righteous leaders.

The Details: The KLI will be an intensified time of training, impartation, and application to inspire young people with a call to a specific brand of leadership. One that is marked by courage, vision, and a Biblical worldview. There will be teaching sessions during the day and anointed rallies each night.

The Dates:

The Place:

The Cost: There is a registration fee.

In King Jesus’ Service,

Rusty Lee Thomas

8 Responses to “KLI Course

  • Where do you think you’ll go with this concept now?

    • I wrote a book that highlights the teachings (You can find it on our website) and the course is still available to folks. We just need a minimum of 10 candidates that will commit to the week long training. The cost is $100.00 for each candidtate, which includes the copy of the book.

  • Rusty
    Will you be doing another course this summer. I am a teacher and a coach and will have some time this summer to commit to training and the ministry. Feel free to email with any info.

    • Dear Cliff,

      The Lord richly bless you! There is a possibiity to sequeeze in a KLI camp in the summer. I’ll need at least 10 candidates that will sign up to participate in a one week discipleship course. The cost is $100.00 for the week per candidate, which includes the price of a copy of the KLI book manual. If you need more information, please call me at 254-715-3134. Thanks brother!

      • Rusty,
        Just wondering if you had 10 for a KLI camp yet this summer? Anyways, making plans and was curious. I got your information from Ron Fathauer from Brenham if you were wondering. Hope all is well.

        • Dear Cliff,

          The Lord richly bless you! We do not normally put together the candidates and hold camp. Typically, different ministries, youth groups and churches invite me to their city to conduct the week long discipleship training KLI program. I need a minimum of ten students that would be willing to commit to the entire week. The charge is one hundred fifty dollars per candidate, which includes a copy of our book.



  • Are you still doing this? Is 10 years old too young? Where?

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